This topic was something I thought I was familiar with already but when given the task, my group and I were unable to come up with the correct answer needed. I thought traffic lights just changed colour and each colour had a meaning such as green would indicate "go on if the way is clear" etc. I discovered that traffic lights in fact had a bit more going on than what meets the eye. I learnt that when north and southbound cars are on a green light, east and west bound are on a red light. This is to avoid cars colliding.
I don't think the delivery method suited me personally. I didn't really enjoy the interactivity as it wasn't really a topic I had any huge interest in so there was no real motivation to get involved with the topic. I felt like I would have preferred the topic to have been talked through and explained rather than by me trying to figure it out by myself to be just told the answer later on anyway. I felt due to my initial lack of interest in the topic, setting me a task on the topic only made me more disinterested in the topic and the learning outcome.
I didn't like working in a group in this particular instance as when I asked the group for their opinion, they didn't give me much input or want to get involved. This made the task not very interactive and felt like a solo task. I didn't have an interest in the topic but was willing to have a stab at it even if it was wrong but I don't think the group had any interest in the topic at all which really affected their attitude towards the topic similar to myself.
I don't mind writing about my experience as I think it is important express your feelings and reflect on things to learn more about yourself as a person and to grow. I think it is also good to write about your experience so people who deliver information on a topic can see what works best for the group/individual in whatever the scenario may be.
"I haven't a breeze" Creator: Robin Higgins Source: Pixabay License |
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